Jo's Angels

Have you ever had a friend you can share everthing with??... well that explains me!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Well, we all know what the Bokke did on Saturday. As if anybody expected anything else but the outcome!!?? hahaha. I got very concerned when we watch the prematch statistics and according to that, odds were that we were going to loose the game. Trust the Bokke to not do what is expected of them. How I love them for that. My being a true rugby fan has caused many a argument at the local pub. Like yesterday for example. We were having a couple of beers at our local hangout(Barney's Lorraine for those South Africans out there) after work. I only work until 13h00, so I am lucky to have an afternoon off every day!! I was the only lass in the group of about 8. One of the guys mentioned the speed of Fourie Du Preez and the fact that he was so close behind Brian Habanna when he scored his second try. All the guys agreed that he was right. I told them that it wasn't Fourie du Preez but Jacques Fourie our number 13 who ran behind Habanna in both his tries. Well, this sparked a massive debate and newspapers were pulled out and friends were phoned. It was even said that the number I mentioned was incorrect and that the number 13 jersey belongs to Juan de Villiers. I laughed silently by myself and thought best would be to keep quiet. As it were, the TV's were set on the sports channel and at that time they showed highlights of the game. I saw the main instigator quietly sneaking out the door. I knew he wasn't too sure about his facts and he went home to watch instead. Needless to say, the lady was right and the guys all wrong!!! I phoned him and he could only laugh. An apology will probably never come from his lips, but there were a few red faces around the table. All I can say in conclusion is GO BOKKE!!! As I proudly stroke my bok emblem on my jersey.


  • At 3:29 AM, Blogger Bosbefok said…

    Ha HA Buddess !! You are as bad as Terri on that one ... I very seldom bother arguing with her cos somehow ( I think she has access to time travel)she ALWAYS seems to be right. Even if I am alone in the forest and state a fact - I still end up wrong !! )
    I wouldnt be rubbing that emblem too much :-)

  • At 5:19 AM, Blogger Terri said…

    Wow - it's now out there for all the world to see. I am officially always right.
    Well done Buddess, I'm as proud of you as I am of the Bokke!

  • At 1:07 AM, Blogger ChittyChittyBangBang! said…

    Welcome on board Buddess (followed the link from Bosbefok)!
    Will be back soon to read some more.

  • At 2:53 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Thank you guys. The bug has bitten and I'm sure I will be back with more!! Hope to share some bike day photos with you soon.


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