Jo's Angels

Have you ever had a friend you can share everthing with??... well that explains me!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Weighty issues

Sorry guys, but this had to come. This is an issue that will never go away. I am battling to loose the extra kilos from my pregnancies. To make things worse, I quit smoking the day I went into labor with my 16 month old son. On the one hand it is wonderful to know that I was able to quit smoking without any help. I must be honest and admit that I still get the crave every now and then. I used to smoke between 30 and 40 cigarettes a day - geez!! I went from 40 to zero in one day!! Why then can't I loose weight so easily. I am watching what I eat. I don't drink fizzy cooldrinks, don't eat fastfoods, sweets & chocolates are out. I don't eat pies and pastries and don't eat later than 20h00 at night. I run after the little ones all the time, sometimes having supper on the run. I have had a dietician work out a eating plan, but I don't have time to eat 5 meals a day. I am not the type that will be able to follow Weighless or Weightwatchers because to count calories and weigh portions is out of the question. I have a family that consists of 4 adults and the two little ones. Weekends we add 3 teenagers to the family. It is impossible to prepare separate meals for myself and the rest of the family. One eating plan that seems to work is Fit for life - you know - not mixing proteins and carbohydrates - fruit for breakfast, protein or carbo for lunch and whichever one you didn't have for supper. I admit I need to get more exercise and therefore have joined the gym and starting 1 Sept. Let's see what a month at the gym can do. Please hold thumbs and I hope to report back with good news.


  • At 5:03 AM, Blogger Terri said…

    Good luck with it, Buddess! Sounds like ur doing all the right things anyway, so I will, indeed, hold thumbs.

  • At 7:15 AM, Blogger Bosbefok said…

    It seems to be a never ending quest for you women ! Stick to it though..... Try the Sex and Smarties diet :-)

  • At 10:44 PM, Blogger kyknoord said…

    It takes time, so best of luck. The trick is not to get discouraged along the way and whatever you do - DON'T weigh yourself daily. Therein lies the route to insanity.

  • At 12:20 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Thank you for the support. Should I ask what the Sex and Smarties diet is?? Is that your secret Terri???

  • At 4:19 AM, Blogger -Ann said…

    When you join a gym, get a trainer to teach you how to lift weights. If you gain muscle mass, you will speed up your metabolism. Also, make sure you're getting enough vegetables. I snack on raw vegetables all the time - a habit I picked up when I was dieting.

  • At 12:51 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Ann - Thank you for the advice. I see that you run marathons. I admire that. I start at the gym this afternoon and will have to write about that experience soon.


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