Jo's Angels

Have you ever had a friend you can share everthing with??... well that explains me!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Double trouble....

My little ones are fast approaching their bithdays. Jessi will be 1 on 17 March and Jodi will be 2 on 17 April. They are keeping me very busy. From the minute that Jessi opens her eyes in the morning, she is walking. She eats while walking and even tries to drink her bottle while walking. We spoilt them a bit the weekend. We bought Jessi a little "Care Beares" scooter that she is loving to bits. Jodi got a battery operated quad. I took pictures, but due to the fact that I still use the traditional old hand held camera, I will post some pics when I have developed the film.

Here is the latest with the two little ones and daddy. Can't help but love them.

Here is another one with Jodi up to his bathroom tricks. This is where I found him after I fetched a towel for him and his dad came running with the camera. Dental hygiene is very important to him and he has to brush his teeth after bathing. Obviously I was taking too long to get to his teeth.

And just to prove that the bathroom isn't the only place he performs in, here he is on mommy's bike. How's that for freedom?

And just incase you don't believe me about his sister getting up to mischief,

here's some proof..

All in all, they are developing into beautiful little people and I am loving every moment with them. Just wish I could sleep as nice as Jessi after a whole day of being so cute....


  • At 1:46 AM, Blogger whatalotoffun said…

    They growing to quick now. Just wait untill they are teenagers just imagine what mischief they are going to do and just imagine Danielle with them. Grey hears here they come

  • At 11:31 PM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    whatalotoffun - You are so right!!!

    Kiwichat - You made me cry again. I miss you more than you can ever imagine.

  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger Tammy said…

    So cute - love the pic in the sink!!! Hey gotta love multi-tasking!!!

  • At 11:19 PM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Tammy - Thank you for visiting. You are always welcome to visit again. I love your pics of your girls!!

  • At 6:52 AM, Blogger Terri said…

    I really enjoyed reading about your kids - I don't visit this page often enough. The photos are gorgeous and your writing just overflows with how much you love them. You've put a big smile on my face :-)

  • At 11:20 PM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Terri - Thank you so much. This is why I decided back then to start another blog. I needed a place where I could just talk about them otherwise I would bore people who aren't really interested in baby stories. You are correct. I love them to bits and they have changed my whole life. Best thing that has happened to me in a very long time.


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