Did you know you can break it?
Well, I mentioned my friend Stompie in a recent post. I must just give you a little bit of background. He is a divorced guy of at the time 48. He had been single for about 10 years and most of us initially thought that this guy was gay. After joining our biking club, he also met a luscious lady a couple years younger than himself. She happened to be the sister of one of our other members. Well, needless to say, they started a relationship and after a while this became a very physical one. One evening, my then husband received a phone call and after a brief conversation, he burst out laughing after he put the phone down. What he told me was just too much to believe. Our friend had informed him that he is at the hospital in the emergency room and will be undergoing an operation in the next couple of minutes. He called just because he wanted someone to know what is happening and where he is. They had apparently been busy at it and as far as I could establish from her, she was on top and somehow he had slipped out of her and she didn't know and continued in a speedy downward motion and thus caught a very stiff member between her two (you know what I mean) and all they heard, was a very loud snapping sound. The snap was actually from the ligaments and tendands of his member that literally snapped and had to be rejoined in surgery. The next day he went to my husband's office and actually showed him what it looked like. It was as all blue, bruised and swollen. He had a bandage around it for a good number of days and thus the name Stompie. I know that he did regain full use of it again, but the relationship fell apart. I am happy to report that he is now in a very happy, very stable relationship. Just so you know, the lady also earned herself a nickname - she was known as Muscle Cracker!!
At 9:57 AM,
Terri said…
At 4:55 PM,
LiVEwiRe said…
I don't have a penis but cringed when I read that. OMG, must've been so painful. Hey wait... do you strictly hang around guys that injure their, uh, parts? =)
At 12:08 AM,
Framesby 86 said…
Terri - double ouch!!! word veri - bmfuz - need I say more - LOL!!
Livewire - what's the chances hey??? Promise, no more - they are the only ones I know of. Don't want people thinking I have bad karma.;-)
At 6:51 AM,
ChittyChittyBangBang! said…
Ow-ow-ow!!! What is it with all the penis and nuts injuries?
Next time I read your blog I am I am putting hands between the legs just in case... hehe.
At 12:08 AM,
Framesby 86 said…
Hey Chitty, glad you dropped by and like I said, that well is dry - I don't have more stories like that. Maybe just today's one..almost LOL
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