Jo's Angels

Have you ever had a friend you can share everthing with??... well that explains me!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Devil in disguise??

I have this uncanny ability to know when my little one is up to nonsense. About two months ago, he got very quiet and I heard giggles coming from somewhere down the passage. I grabbed the camera because I just knew that this will be good. Judge for yourself.

Needless to say, we now have to keep the bathroom doors closed in the house. I am scared for the day that we might find him head first in the toilet. His latest is to empty the contents of a drawer in the kitchen, which he then proceeds to climb into and this enables him to reach the countertop. I am shuddering to think what is lying ahead for me with this little monster. Here he is swinging inbetween two double bunks...

and all this while his little sister just watches in quiet amazement......

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Weighty issues

Sorry guys, but this had to come. This is an issue that will never go away. I am battling to loose the extra kilos from my pregnancies. To make things worse, I quit smoking the day I went into labor with my 16 month old son. On the one hand it is wonderful to know that I was able to quit smoking without any help. I must be honest and admit that I still get the crave every now and then. I used to smoke between 30 and 40 cigarettes a day - geez!! I went from 40 to zero in one day!! Why then can't I loose weight so easily. I am watching what I eat. I don't drink fizzy cooldrinks, don't eat fastfoods, sweets & chocolates are out. I don't eat pies and pastries and don't eat later than 20h00 at night. I run after the little ones all the time, sometimes having supper on the run. I have had a dietician work out a eating plan, but I don't have time to eat 5 meals a day. I am not the type that will be able to follow Weighless or Weightwatchers because to count calories and weigh portions is out of the question. I have a family that consists of 4 adults and the two little ones. Weekends we add 3 teenagers to the family. It is impossible to prepare separate meals for myself and the rest of the family. One eating plan that seems to work is Fit for life - you know - not mixing proteins and carbohydrates - fruit for breakfast, protein or carbo for lunch and whichever one you didn't have for supper. I admit I need to get more exercise and therefore have joined the gym and starting 1 Sept. Let's see what a month at the gym can do. Please hold thumbs and I hope to report back with good news.


I hear people talking about how they slept too much the night before or how they enjoyed their Sunday afternoon nap. What is that? I vaguely remember experiencing something like that years ago. I can't for the life of me remember when last I had a full nights sleep. As you can see from my previous posts, I have 2 small babies at home. Believe you me, they only sleep at the same time when the nanny is there. The minute Mom walks in the door, they know that I am there. Mind you, they do it to Dad too. The older of the two has become Dad's night baby because I am looking after his little sister. Believe it or not, but it was actually Dad's decision. I am still breastfeeding our little baby girl at night and her first feed in the morning. She is almost as big as her brother. We believe it is because of the breastmilk. I couldn't breastfeed her brother because the doctor said that my milk caused his colic which he had for the first two weeks of his life. We changed him to formula and he was a different baby. I am not complaining because I manage fine with little sleep. The joy and laughs these two little ones have brought into our home makes up for all the nights of little sleep. What could be better than the four of us lying in bed every morning having a couple of good laughs, hugs and kisses before starting the day? Those two happy faces are worth more than a hundred nights of sleep.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Well, we all know what the Bokke did on Saturday. As if anybody expected anything else but the outcome!!?? hahaha. I got very concerned when we watch the prematch statistics and according to that, odds were that we were going to loose the game. Trust the Bokke to not do what is expected of them. How I love them for that. My being a true rugby fan has caused many a argument at the local pub. Like yesterday for example. We were having a couple of beers at our local hangout(Barney's Lorraine for those South Africans out there) after work. I only work until 13h00, so I am lucky to have an afternoon off every day!! I was the only lass in the group of about 8. One of the guys mentioned the speed of Fourie Du Preez and the fact that he was so close behind Brian Habanna when he scored his second try. All the guys agreed that he was right. I told them that it wasn't Fourie du Preez but Jacques Fourie our number 13 who ran behind Habanna in both his tries. Well, this sparked a massive debate and newspapers were pulled out and friends were phoned. It was even said that the number I mentioned was incorrect and that the number 13 jersey belongs to Juan de Villiers. I laughed silently by myself and thought best would be to keep quiet. As it were, the TV's were set on the sports channel and at that time they showed highlights of the game. I saw the main instigator quietly sneaking out the door. I knew he wasn't too sure about his facts and he went home to watch instead. Needless to say, the lady was right and the guys all wrong!!! I phoned him and he could only laugh. An apology will probably never come from his lips, but there were a few red faces around the table. All I can say in conclusion is GO BOKKE!!! As I proudly stroke my bok emblem on my jersey.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Cold but beautiful

It has been a rather cold weekend. We took a drive to Cape St Francis and I had to capture the scene. This is normally very flat and tranquil waters. If you look nicely, you will see how rough the seas were. This was taken on a low tide. When the weather is miserable, you tend to feel miserable. In order to lift the families' spirits, I set off and prepared a chicken curry to die for. While sitting under duvets watching DVD's last night, I thought some more of the curry will go down nicely, but to my surprise, there was nothing left!!! Out came the flour and eggs etc and I quickly made some flapjacks served with syrup and fresh cream. Now that finally blew the weather blues away.